Bug Fixes - 07 01 25

Bug Fixes: 

* Sky Attack was bugged in multiple ways, especially when opponents would use Protect-type abilities

* Attacks that had multiple opponent targets would show default empty monsters. This is no longer the case

* Nun healers could be used an infinite amount of times. This is no longer the case

* The starting diorama with paths up, right and down had an issue where the spawning point was in the zone to move down, leading to the impossibility to go back there from the down path. This is now fixed.

* Monsters KOed by poison would still be targetable the following turns. This is no longer the case.

 * Small typo fix

* AI monsters could use Protect type attacks multiple times in a row, leading to an unpleasant combat experience. Now, they will not use it multiple times in a row.


Animoria_Prototype_LINUX.zip 79 MB
58 days ago
Animoria_Prototype_MACOS.zip 130 MB
58 days ago
Animoria_Prototype_WIN.zip 107 MB
58 days ago

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